Amendment to the U.S. Constitution,
Section 1)
To properly ensure that this government fully represents its citizenry, the upper house of government, the supreme court of the land, and the military, be equally divided through the genders, in which; of the two Senators from each of the several States of this Union, that one shall be of the male gender, and one shall be of the female gender; and that the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court be equally divided through the genders, leaving the high chair open to any gender through senority; and the military to be gender separated through the enlisted personel, and the officers be co-ed beginning at the rank of Captain, and that two separate Military Divisions be all Female.
Section 2)
The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
written by: His Majesty; The King, Joseph Conrad Miechowicz,
on this 13th day, in this month of March, anno domoni, 2004
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Copyright; 05/30/2003
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Edited 03/02/2014