The Doctrine for the Conquest of;
The Universe, by The Human Race,
The King of Women; puts forthe the proposition through this decree, on this 10th day, in the month of September, anno domoni, two thousand and three, which states;
The Conquest of the Universe shall begin; after the individual Nations of Planet Earth have conquered themselves through the adoption, and implementation of the Modern Gov't., which is the non-violent social revolution for the emancipation of women, which is currently the emancipation of 3 billions souls, and that this gesture of good will, shown by the entire Human race will trascend time and space, thus, this positive life force will ultimately extend through out the Universe.
The Conquest of the Universe shall continue; as the Human Race of Planet Earth begins to utilize the diverse store house of different species of organisms, for not just the greater good of the Human race, but the greatter good of all life created by God, and that the Planets of other solar systems shall be used as stepping stones across the Universe, as each new different Planet, has a different organism installed into its atomsphere. The usage of these stepping stones shall continue until the diverse store house of of the different species of organisms found here on Earth, are found through out the Universe, and that the primary focus of the Human Race, is the extension of the positive life force, through extending life itself, and not for the extension of only the Human Race.
In Closing; It is to be said that; in this Doctrine for the Conquest of the Universe by the Human Race of Planet Earth, is for the freedom of all cencient beings, through out the Universe, through the Democractic form of Gov't., in which cencient beings are voted into office of Leadership, for specified terms, through popular vote, and that the upper structured house of government shall be for gender separation of different species, and the lower house of government shall be for the racial equality for all species, through out the universe as well.
It is to be known that this Decree is formally dedicated to the Queen of Women: _____________, and that on the formal day, that the Conquest of the Universe has been declared, that a moment of silence shall be utilized for the Queen's Honor. Amen.
ad populum!!!....
written by Mr. Joseph Conrad Miechowicz,
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Copyright: 05/30/03
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