The Declaration of Emancipation,
for Women
The Emancipation of the female species shall begin, when the single female becomes enlightened with the idea of her inherent possession of her inalienable right of equality to her male counter, and that this inalienable right of equality is endowded by our Creator, for that the male species has no right, to infringe upon this inalienable right of equality, through equal representation in her government. The idea, of the single female, of her inherent possession of equality, shall be based on her knowledge that she is equal to her male counter part, at all levels, and since this inalienable right of equality is endowded by our Creator, then nothing should dismay the single female from attaining her full enlightenment.
The Emancipation of the female species shall continue, when the sisterhood of entire Nation becomes enlightened with the ideology of equality, through equal representation in provincial and national government institutions, that the sisterhood of an entire Nation shall rally and rejoice through this Declaration of Emancipation, on a certaint day, which more reflects the separate identity of the individual Nation, that the single female may find herself in. The ideology of the sisterhood of the entire Nation shall be based on their collective knowledge that we are equal to our male counter parts at all levels; intelligence, physically, financial and social status, and that; since this inalienable right of equality is endowded by our Creator, then nothing should dismay the sisterhood from attaining their full enlightenment. May the rejoicement of the sisterhood, be as stronge as the single holiday, but reverberate through each day of the year, and through out time itself, through the freedom of the human race.
The Emancipation of the female species shall continue, as the sisterhoods of different Nations becomes enligthened with the ideology of equality through equal representation, of both provincial and national governmental institutions, and that this global Emancipation of the female species, through the inherent possession of the single female's enlightenment of the inalienable right of equality to her male counter part, is endowded by our Creator, and that this global Emancipation is to be declared for the furtherance of the entire human race.
In closing; It is to be said that; in this Declaration of Emancipation, that the globular enlightenment of the female species, is for the greater good, of not just the human race, butt for all living creatures that inhabitate this Planet, and that; the continuation of life on this Planet as we know it, depends on the globalization of the human race, and globalization of the human race through the female species is the correct procedure, which will allow a non-violent unification of the human race of globular proportions to occur.
ad populum,.....
Written on this 2nd day, in the month of May, anno Domoni, two thousand two.
by: The King of Women,
Mr. Joseph C. Miechowicz,
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Copyright; 05/30/03
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