The Preamble
The Constitution of the League of Nations,
We the people of Planet Earth, in order to form a more perfect world, and for freedom of the human race, agree to abide by this Constitution to establish international justice, and worldly tranquility, for that, globalization of the human race, is for the greater good of all life on this Planet.
The focal point for the human race to globalize is based on the realization of what over population of the species could bring to this world, and the fact that since this large population of humans are effecting the quality of life on a global scale, then the only way to properly counter act this global contamination of the world, is through a global effort by entire human race, which would be large enough to properly address these problems.
We the people of Planet Earth, will allow this globalization of the human race to occur, under this Constitution, through the female species, on the grounds that; this will allow the globalization to be non-violent, and at this time that we find ourselves on this Planet, the human race is the most technologically advanced it has ever been. Thus, to try and globalize the human race through the male species, by means of divide and conquer, would disrupt the already in place global; economy, infrastructure, and cause further contamination of this Planet on a global scale. This would set space travel back 1000 years, and these are years that, we the people of Earth, do not have to spare.
The primary goal of this unification of the human through this Constitution, is for the conquering of the Universe, and to ensure the continuation of the human race itself. We as human beings, leaders of the animal world, must organize not just ourselves, but life itself to fully utilize the global power, that is inherent in life itself, and to use this global power to expand life to the Planet Venus. To fully ensure the continuation of life, of all creatures, we must be gainfully employed globally, to manufacture a craft large enough to install life on the Planet Mars, and the Planet Venus, and to use the Planet Mars, and the Planet Venus, as a stepping stone, in the conquest of the Universe. The secondary goal of the unification of the human race through this Constitution, is for the furthance of all life on this Planet Earth, and for the furthance of the human race.
We hold these truths to be self evident, that all humans are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certaint unalienable rights, and we the people, secure these blessings of Liberty, to ourselves, and our posterity, to ordain and establish, this Constitution.
aut viam inveniam, aut faciam,......
Written on this 3rd day, in this month of May, Anno Domoni, two thousand and two.
By: His Majesty; The King of Women,
Mr. Joseph Conrad Miechowicz,
International Copyright Secured/ All Rights Reserved.
Copyright: May 30, 2003.
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