The Doctrine of Monetary Dispersements,
The Global Women's Movement,
The King of Women, puts forthe the propostition through this decree, on this 31st day, in this month of August, two thousand and three, that states;
The Primary philosophy of this Doctrine; is based on the ideology that the monetary unit that the single female contributes to the Global Operations Office of the individual Nation that she finds herself in, shall be utilized to further the oppressed sisters of her own Nation first, and then the oppressed sisterhood of a foriegn Nation second, and that the monetary units that are donated are to be used only for the furthance of the Female Community, and not for the private use of any individual of the New Women's Movement, whether it be a male or female.
The Secondary philosophy of this Doctrine; is that once the sisterhood of an entire Nation becomes enlightened with the knowledge of how much power that the sisterhood of an entire Nation has, through the collection of monetary units, that this collection of monetary units be placed in a Trust Fund, and only be dispersed through a Board of Trustees, of Global Operations Office. The collection of monetary units, that is collected at the Nation level, is to be used to fund projects that are compliant to the several Doctirnes issued by this King, and shall never be used for private enterprises.
The Third philosophy of this Doctrine; is that when a sisterhood of a new territory becomes enlightened with the ideology of The 50% Female Gov't., and applies to the Global Operations Office for financial assistance, then that application automactically authorizes the Global Operations Office to investigate the New Women's Movement of that individual Nation, and once it is found that it is a bonafide New Women's Movement that is mobilized to implement The 50% Female Gov't., then full support shall be felt by the Global Operations Office, and the Confederacy herself, in both financial and emotional support. The Global Operations Office shall disperse monetary units , based on the fact that the New Women's Movement of that new territory of the Confederacy is actually attempting to enlighten the sisterhood of that Nation to implement The 50% Female Gov't. and shall not be based on any other reason, like racial issues, religious issues, or financial issues. The Global Operations Office, towit, shall act as a neutral entity, and when a new territory applies for financial assistance it will not be judged on racial issues, religious issues, of financial issues, and only be judged on whether or not, it is a New Women's Movement that is trying to implement The 50% Female Gov't. through the several Doctrines issued by this King.
Amendment I,
With the Issuance and Adoption of this Article to the Confederacy, nothing shall be construed in this Doctrine shall imply that; The Global Women's Movement, and/or The 50% Female Gov't., become a religious cult, and that strict adherence to the Separation of Church and State Clause, of the Constitution of the Confederacy, in Article I, shall be imposed.
Amendment II,
With the Issuance and Adoption of this Article to the Confederacy, nothing shall be construed in this Doctrine shall imply that; The Global Women's Movement, and/or The 50% Female Gov't., become a fascist regime, and that strict adherence to The Principles of a Democracy Clause, in which the citizens of a Nation are elected into Office through popular vote, as outlined in the Constitution of the Confederacy, in Arcticle I, shall be imposed.
Amendment III,
With the Issuance and Adoption of this Article to the Confederacy, The King of Women, does hereby establish, "The Global Operations Office", towit, that will oversee all acquistions of new territories to the Confederacy.
ad populum!!!....
written by: His Majesty; Joseph Conrad Miechowicz,
International Copyright Secured/ All Rights reserved.
Copyright; May 30, 2003,
regist. # TXu1-090-678