The Doctrine for Default
The United States of America,
The King of Women, puts forthe the proposition through this decree, on this 11th day, in this month of March, anno domoni, two thousand and four, which states;
The Primary reason for this Doctrine; is due to the fact that on June 12, 1999, this King was endowed by our Creator, with the enlightenment of the idea of Women's Equality, through equal representation of the genders in the upper structured house of Gov't., and that ever since June 12, 1999, the current United States Government is basically ignoring the discovery of Women's Equality, and the Emancipation of Women, along with its Globuar importance. Although this act of ignoring the King, and his discovery of Women's Equality, and the Emancipation of Women, is an act against a single individual to keep him from speaking, this act of ignoring the King, is also an act of not allowing 142 million female citizens the right to hear their Emancipation, and that this act of not allowing people to hear the King's theory also encompasses the entire population of 284 million Amercian citizens, as well as the rest of 6 billion people world wide.
The factual basis for this Doctrine; is due to the fact that the Nation of the United States of America, is based upon two important writings by the Founding Fathers of this Great Democracy, and that these two "Great Instruments of Writings", is what the current government of the United States of America, are operating under. The two "Great Instruments of Writings", are the Declaration of Independence, and the U.S. Constitution, and what is important about these two "Great Instruments of Writings", by the Founding Fathers, are the dates in which they were signed. The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th, 1776, and the U.S. Constitution was ratified on September 17, 1787, and that the Declaration of Independence basically overrides the U.S. Constitution, and that this over ruling by the Declaration of Independence is known to the people of the United States of America, and the world through the celebration of July 4th, every year by the United States of America herself.
The factual basis for the move for Default; by this King, is based on the grounds that this great discovery, has been ignored by all the American Institutions, and the government of the United States of America, for the past 5 years, and two Presidential Elections, and that this act of ignoring the King, is an act of oppression that is outlined in the second sentence of the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. It is the belief of this citizen of the United States of America, and through his entitlement of power ordained by him by our Creator, that this act of ignoring an Emancipation of so many human souls, is an act of oppression that is worthy of it being related to the explanation of an oppressive manner as outlined in the Declaration of Independence, and that the situation that this individual citizen of the United States of America is currently surviving through, is exactly the reason why our Founding Fathers wrote such a specific sentence.
In Closing: The King of Women, empowered by our Creator, through the enlitghenment of the idea of Women's Equality, does hereby move the United States of America operating under the current Constitution ratified in anno domoni, 1787, is in defualt of the Declaration of Independence, of 1776, for the act of ignoring the King, and his discoveries for the past 5 years of his life, and forcing him to live in obsecurity and financial oppression, and that rather than having a new Constitution be written for the Great Democracy entitled; The United States of America, that a Constitutional Amendment be written and ratified, to adopt and implement: The 50% Female Gov't. or The Modern Gov't. as outlined by this King, pursuant to the Eminent Domain Doctrine.
Thus it is so written.
ad populum!!!....
written by;
His Majesty; The King of Women,
signed: Joseph Conrad Miechowicz, Dated: March 18, 2004 12:01am
Joseph Conrad Miechowicz,
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