The Modern Gov't. is;
The President: ( stays the same )
The Vice-President: ( Leader of the 50/50 Senate )
The Senate: ( gender specific ) 50 male senators, and 50 female senators, ( in the U.S.A. ) all committees; ( equally divided between the genders )
The House: ( stays the same ) Representation based on population of region, all committees; ( open to all races and genders )
The Supreme Court: ( gender specific ) 4 male justices, and 4 female justices; ( Chief Justice based on seniority ) all committees; ( equally divided between the genders ) All Juries to be equally divided between the genders as well, ( 6 male jurors, and 6 female jurors ).
The Military: Officers to be Co-ed; ( beginning at the rank of Captian ) Enlisted Personnel; ( gender separated )
The 38th and 88th Airborne Divisions; To be All Female Army Groups.
The Infantry: To be gender separated Army Groups
The Air Force: To be gender separated fighter squadrons, and bomber groups, All supporting; flight crews, and flight mechanics to be all female as well.
The Navy: Each large Vessel to have; Two complete gender separated crews, Crews to operate in 12 hour shifts, 2 First Officers; ( gender specific ) Each small Vessel, to be either all female or all male
State or Providenical Gov't.:
Governor: (stays the same)
Lt. Governor: Leader of the 50/50 State Senate
State Senate: 1 male State Senator, and 1 female State Senator from each county
State Assembly: (stays the same)
County Gov't.: (new)
Chief Executive Officer: (President of the County)
Deputy Chief Executive Officer: (Vice President of the County)
Lead of the County Assembly
County Assembly: 3 Representatives from each race of either gender of races over 38,000 people, and for each County that has a population over 380,000 people. .
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