The Obstacle, is;
A book about how the human race needs to surmount only a few obstacles to be able to inhabitate on the Planet infinitely, and the only way that these obstacles can be surmounted is through a non-violent globalization of the human race through the Female species. This book, is basically an extension of; The Infinite Civilization, through the fact that as the individual nations adopt the 50% Female Gov't. or the Modern Gov't. they will all have the same basic ideology, and thus, will inadvertently create a global giovernment that will replace the failing United Nations.
The Obstacle; is based on the theory that the Earth's biosphere is a living creature herself, and if the human population continues to expand as an infectious disease, rather than a highly developed organism, the Planet herself will destroy the human race. To surmount these last few obstacles, the human race must first globalize through the Female species, to regulate all aspects of the currently ongoing global interaction of the human race, which are; world monetary fund, natural resources, world commerce trade, world stocket markets, and this global regulation will also be able to stop the global contamination that the large population of humans are currently doing to our Mother Earth. This is true paradise.
The Obstacle; also explains how by installing the correct organisms into the atmosphere of Venus, (the Female Planet), the human race can clear the atmosphere, and eventually be able to inhabitate this Planet as well. Basically use the positive life force of Planet Earth to expand life, and eventually conquer the universe through the human race.
written by: Jospeh C. Miechowicz
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Copyright: 06/19/02
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